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Man Charged with DUI Following Crash That Injured 3-Year-Old Boy :: Whittel & Melton
September 17, 2012

A Florida Highway Patrol trooper arrested a 39-year-old man for DUI Wednesday after being called to the scene of an Ocala crash that injured two people, including a 3-year-old boy.
The child was taken to Shands at the University of Florida in Gainesville and was listed in stable condition as of Thursday afternoon. According to reports, a woman was also injured in the collision.
A witness of the crash claims that a red truck was slowing to turn right when a white truck struck it from behind.
Reports indicate that the trooper believed the driver of the white truck was impaired.
The man apparently told the trooper that he was about to answer his cellphone when the accident happened.
The trooper claims the man agreed to a field sobriety test and failed.
He was arrested and taken to the Marion County Jail. His blood alcohol tests allegedly registered .142 and .132.
Records show the man was previously convicted of DUI in 1999 and 2000.
The man faces various charges, including DUI serious bodily injuries and DUI personal injury.
When facing DUI charges, it is important to be aware that these can be classified as felonies depending upon any previous DUI convictions or whether anyone was harmed in a crash as a direct result of driving under the influence. In the state of Florida, anyone that causes serious bodily injury to another person while operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs or prescription medications can be charged with a third-degree felony. DUI Serious Bodily Injury is punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine. Anyone convicted of DUI SBI will have their driver’s license revoked for a minimum of three years. However, a driver can apply for a hardship license once DUI school is successfully completed.
It is crucial to your DUI defense to gather evidence as soon as possible. These types of cases require an attorney who can effectively investigate the circumstances surrounding the case and provide a strong defense. At Whittel & Melton we can challenge the prosecution’s case by asking the following questions:
- Was there probable cause for your arrest?
- Were you behind the wheel of the vehicle when the accident occurred?
- Were you actually over the legal limit of .08?
- Were any breath, blood or urine tests conducted lawfully by police?
- Did you cause the accident or did the victim’s own negligence lead to the crash?
In general, DUI charges in Florida are prosecuted aggressively. When someone is seriously injured because of an alleged DUI, the potential consequences will only increase. Due to the fact that this is an extremely serious criminal offense, you must act fast in order to clear your good name and combat the charges stacked against you. The Florida DUI Defense Attorneys at Whittel & Melton can create an appropriate defense strategy unique to your individual situation.
If you have been arrested and charged with DUI Serious Bodily Injury in Ocala, contact the Florida DUI Defense Attorneys at Whittel & Melton online or call 352-369-5334. You can reach us statewide and toll-free by dialing 1-866-608-5LAW (5529).