Hurt in a Car Accident or
Motorcycle Crash? Lost a Loved
One in a Wrongful Death?
Florida Lottery Winner Lawyer
People love to ponder over what they would do if they won the lottery. The answers may vary, but usually revolve around how you’d spend the money. With a large sum of money comes increased risks, so you must think of the practical steps of receiving the money before you can spend it. While winning the lottery can bring financial security to prize winners, but it does not come without its challenges.
Once a person wins the lottery, they will instantly be bombarded by family members and friends, or at least those claiming to be kin. Then, the calls from charities and other organizations looking for donations will start flooding in. A lottery winner must protect their newly acquired assets and make sure their affairs are in order to remain protected from those that may try to manipulate them.
Hitting the jackpot is an amazing new start for lottery and casino prize winners. Our attorneys at Whittel & Melton can help Florida residents settle prize claims and responsibly manage winnings.
Your new earnings should be a celebration, but that can quickly turn into stress and anxiety. You know what they say; more money, more problems. However, that does not have to be the case and our Florida Attorneys at Whittel & Melton can help you navigate the weeks that follow your big win. We know how to protect your big win.
Lottery Winnings 101
Do you have a ticket that is worth millions? We urge you to contact us right now. We are available 24/7 to help answer some of your questions, including:
- Who should I tell about my winnings?
- Can I claim the winnings anonymously?
- What should I do with the ticket?
- When should I claim the prize?
- How do I protect my money?
- What do I do to protect my family and our future?
Once you win, you will be on an adrenaline high and all kinds of questions will pop into your head. Don’t carry the burden of answering all these questions alone, let us help you. Call our Florida Attorneys at Whittel & Melton today at 866-608-5529 or contact us online to take the first steps toward safeguarding your future.
Tips for After You Win
- Be discreet. If you have won the lottery, tell as few people as possible. Do not post on social media and just keep the news between your most close and trusted family members for now.
- Get ready to be targeted. You will soon learn that people will start targeting you for money. Old friends and family members may call in favors or demand to be paid “old debts.” Strangers may even call looking for a handout. Charities and other organizations may try and get money out of you. Whenever there is a large sum of money at stake, people can be downright ruthless to try and get their cut.
- Get a lawyer. You need to secure legal help to make sure that disputes are resolved, and claims are settled internally and quickly. Our Florida Attorneys at Whittel & Melton can help you with tax issues, creating trusts, and handle all other legal documents that will create a barrier around your fortune. These steps are vital to guaranteeing that your fortune will be safe.
Call Us Today with Your Lottery Winnings Questions
Winning the lottery is a huge deal. It is a life-changing event that requires legal assistance and advice right away. We can talk you through the process the minute you win. Call us instantly at 866-608-5529 or contact us online 24/7. We can schedule you a free consultation and even come to your house if you are unable to come to us. Our goal is to make sure that you and your winnings remain safe.