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5 Pieces of Gear You Need for Motorcycle Safety | Pasco County Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Whittel & Melton
Riding a motorcycle is dangerous, and if you are an avid biker, then you know that riding a motorcycle is more dangerous than driving a car due to the lack of safety protections. This is why having the right gear is a MUST when you are riding on the open road. Our Pasco County Motorcycle Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton have outlined 5 key pieces of gear you need every time you ride:
- Motorcycle Helmet: While Florida requires all motorcyclists under 21 to wear a helmet, riders over the age of 21 can opt out of wearing one as long as they have at least $10,000 in medical benefits on their insurance plan. Helmets are a good idea to wear regardless of the law because (a.) it keeps bugs out of your eyes and mouth (yuck!), (b.) many helmets on the market now come with Bluetooth so that you can make phone calls, listen to music, and even get driving directions while wearing it, (c.) it protects your brain – God forbid you are involved in a crash, a traumatic brain injury can change your life forever.
- Leather Gloves: this is the second most important piece of gear for bikers as if you are ejected from your bike, you will use your hands to protect yourself. If you do not have gloves on for protection then you can easily lose skin, fingers, and break bones. No, gloves won’t protect you from everything, but they can really help if you are involved in a crash. Many come with knuckle protectors and are wind and waterproof.
- Motorcycle Jacket: This can keep you warm when it’s cooler out and thanks to perforated leather jackets, you can stay cool in the Florida heat. Some leather jackets are even made of ballistic mesh, which is great for heat. While a jacket may increase your body temperature causing you to sweat a bit, if you do crash then a jacket can protect your body if you slide on the pavement. A jacket keeps your skin from being scraped off your body – if you don’t have one on then your muscle, bones, and nerves can all be exposed after a bad accident.
- Motorcycle Boots: Yes, they look cool, but they also provide you with traction and protect the bones in your feet in the event of a crash. You want to look for sturdy boots that offer over then ankle protection – this keeps them from flying off you if a collision occurs.
- Motorcycle Pants: Shorts leave your knees and legs exposed. Jeans can get shredded if you slide on pavement. Motorcycle pats are made with Kevlar panels added to key places, so you have built in armor to zones that will likely see impact in the event of a collision.

Outfit yourself for safety when it comes to taking your motorcycle out for any length of ride. While you cannot prevent every accident, you can protect yourself as best as possible. If you are in a motorcycle accident in the Pasco County, then call our Pasco County Motorcycle Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton right away at 727-847-2299 for a free consultation.