Hurt in a Car Accident or
Motorcycle Crash? Lost a Loved
One in a Wrongful Death?
Swimming Pool Drowning Accidents in Hernando Most Likely to Occur Over Summer Weekends
July 27, 2012

Spring Hill, Florida – While drowning deaths across the nation are on the decline, a new study has found that summer weekends remain the most dangerous time for pool drownings to occur.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 46 percent of fatal drownings and 57 percent of non-fatal drownings took place during 2005-2009 over weekends in June, July and August.
Most people fail to realize how frequently drowning accidents take the life of someone we love or leave them seriously injured. An estimated 10 people die every day across the United States in drowning accidents, according to statistics from the CDC. These same figures reveal that another person is killed nearly every day in a boating catastrophe. Sadly, children are the most at risk for a drowning accident. One in every five drowning victims is a child under the age of 14. Moreover, for every child under the age of 14 who is killed in a fatal drowning accident, five more are hospitalized with severe injuries. Due to the serious nature of swimming pool and water-related injuries, more than 50 percent of near-drowning victims require hospitalization or further medical treatment following an initial trip to the emergency room.
Anytime children, teenagers or adults are in or around water, there is a constant risk for injury. In fact, the human body is only able to support itself under water for a brief time period of a few minutes, at best. When the body is submerged for too long it starts to run short on oxygen, causing organs to become oxygen deprived, which can ultimately result in permanent damage.
The CDC reports that formal swimming lessons can condense a child’s risk for drowning by approximately 88 percent.
Other tips to prevent drowning accidents at pools this summer include:
- Watching children at all times, even if a lifeguard is on duty. Whether at a backyard pool at a friend or relative’s home, a public swimming pool or the beach, supervision can prevent drowning tragedies.
- Installing Barriers or Fencing. Public and private pool owners have a responsibility to protect people from injury. The absence of a fence or barrier is often a reason why drowning accidents occurs. Installing a fence at least four feet tall can block small children from gaining access into a swimming pool.
- Emptying inflatable or plastic kiddie pools when not in use. Storing them upside-down when not in use can also keep children from wandering into them.
The majority of drowning accidents arise from some sort of negligence. Multiple people or entities could be held liable, depending on where the accident took place. A private property owner, public pool, country club or governmental entity could be to blame for a drowning accident.
The only way to verify who is accountable for your personal injury or loved one’s wrongful death is to seek the advice of a swimming pool accident attorney. The Hernando County Injury Lawyers at Whittel & Melton have the experience and resources needed in order to accurately assess your accident.
If you or your child has been involved in a swimming pool accident in Hernando County, contact the Hernando County Injury Attorneys at Whittel & Melton online or call 352-666-2121.